
Our Lady and Saint Joseph Primary school is an outstanding, happy and caring school in the London borough of Hackney. We offer a first class education through a broad and balanced curriculum.  We have had very high standards of achievement in our published data over many years, particularly in the phonics check being among the top 2% in the country. Our provision for music, art and of course physical education is of the highest order. We keep up to date with the latest research in the the development of the curriculum and pedagogy.
         Our Catholic Life and religious education underpin all our core values. Our wider curriculum offer is genuinely exceptional as is our provision for pupils' personal development.  Pupil's behaviour and attitudes in lessons and playtimes is equally outstanding and we strive for a sense of self-discipline and awareness.
         Our website is an exciting channel through which we can showcase our commitment to the local community and our own school environment. Please feel free to contact the school directly with any queries you may have.
Our school motto, known and loved by all the pupils (ask them) is:
"Shine with Love, Kindness and Respect"
See below for a video of a day in the life of our school:
Our pupils and staff took part in a "look who got caught reading" competition over the half term holiday.  See below for a selection of our entries.  Keep reading!
Children took part in a variety of activities to celebrate Cultural Diversity Day.  They had great fun learning some Bollywood dance moves with Miss Asia.
The school took part in a Captain Tom Moore '100 or more' challenge.  Watch the video for a selection of our efforts!
A video message from all the teachers at OLSJ recorded just after lockdown on March 23rd 2020


Summer 2024 - Newsletter 10
Summer 2024 - Newsletter 9
Summer 2024 - Newsletter 8
Summer 2024 - Newsletter 7
Summer 2024 - Newsletter 6